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Dr. Sumita Sarkar is Dean (Academics & Research) at IBSAR group of colleges, a leading Business school included among top 100 B schools in India. She represented IBSAR at University of Frostburg in USA, UKHM University, Bangi, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, Universitas Pancalsila Jakarta, , Indonesia and DAKAM Institute of Mediterranean Studies , Turkey and ISI Bangalore, India. She has been teaching post graduate students “Research Methodology”, CSR (corporate social responsibility) and “Culture and Social change” in a dynamic context of India and these courses have been well received. She is a sociologist by profession. Dr Sarkar has over two decades of experience in academics and action research. She received her M.Phil and PhD from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. For M.Phil she was awarded Dorabji Merit Fellowship and she did her Doctoral studies under fellowship of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Subsequently, she pursued her Post-Doctoral Fellowship from London School of Economics (LSE), UK, for which she was awarded Sir Ratan Tata Asia Research Fellowship, 2008-09. For her Doctoral work she was awarded “Best British Post-Graduate Research Award” especially for methodological uniqueness and anthropological narrative at the University of Hull, UK, 2002. She has shared her research expertise and experience widely across several international universities as a guest speaker and fellow, especially in, UK, Australia and South East Asia. In 2016, she was invited as Visiting Professor Fellow at the Department of Sociology, Charles University, Prague. Her research interests are in the areas of development studies, gender and evelopment, social exclusion and marginalisation, gender and labour (organised/unorganised sector), Qualitative Research Methods and in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). She has several research publications to her credit in national and international journals. She has also conducted several research projects in the field of City Traffic Policing, City Space and Crime, Counter Cultural impact on Gaddi Tribe of Himalayas, Women in Micro-Finance, Women in BPO/KPO (Organized labour), Media and Women Image – Body and Sexuality, Women labourers in Brick kilns (Unorganized sector), women workers in urban housing construction (unorganised sector), Resettlement & Rehabilitation of PAP (project affected People), City, Gender & victimization, etc. funded by ministry of Urban Development (MMRDA/CIDCO), University Grant Commission, and Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Government of India. More significantly her longitudinal research study on women and tea plantation of North Bengal is noteworthy as it has been acknowledged by the Indian council of social scientist forum (Govt. India, New Delhi). She has authored two books, titled: Globalization & Gender, by Rawat Publications 2010; Gender Inequality & Discriminatory Practices in India – Discourse & Dilemmas, by Rawat publications (in press), 2019. She has been awarded Visiting Research Excellence Fellowship at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at CEU (2019)to extend her ‘work’ in this area of women labour force in tea plantation economy based on anthropological methodologyleading towards a qualitative narrative of her working research paper’.
Paper entitled, “Social Pathology and Youth Anomie — A Case Study of Mumbai City”, received the best paper award for paper presentation and paper content, at British Post Graduate Criminology Conference, University of Hull, UK, Center for Criminology and Criminal Justice, April, 2002.
Dean, IBSAR Groups of Colleges